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App Icons For Mac

Does your Mac's Dock seem a bit crowded, perhaps filled with apps you seldom use? Or have you added so many document files to the Dock that every icon has become way too small, making it difficult to tell one from another? If you answered 'yes' to either question, then it's time to do a bit of house cleaning and declutter the Dock.

Customize Your Dock

Selection of MacOS App Icons designed by http://ramotion.com. So I just downloaded NewsRack for my Mac and I wanted to change the icon to fit my theme. I opened up the folder, replaced the.icns file with my new.

Before you start the wholesale removal of icons from your Dock, remember that there are some Dock customizations you can perform that may let you put off making decisions about which apps need to go and which can stay.

App Icons For Apple Generator


By using the Dock Preference Pane, you can change the Dock's icon size, add or reduce the Dock's magnification, and decide if the Dock should be hidden, as well as a few other Dock adjustments you can make that may let you leave the population of your Dock unchanged.

If the preference pane doesn't give you enough options, you can try an app such as cDock to gain some additional options.

If customizing the Dock doesn’t solve your space problems, it's time to consider removing apps, stacks, and document icons from your Dock. Don't worry, though. Removing apps from the dock is not the same as uninstalling apps.

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Removing Dock Icons

The process of removing applications and documents from the Dock has changed a bit over the years. Various versions of OS X and the newer macOS added their own subtle take on how an app should be deleted from the Dock. But no matter which version of OS you're using, we have the goods on how to get rid of an app, folder, or document you no longer wish to have resident in your Dock.

The Mac’s Dock does have a few restrictions in place about which items can be removed. The Finder icon, usually located on the far left of the Dock (when the Dock is in the default location at the bottom of your display), and the Trash icon, located on the far right, are permanent members of the Dock. There's also a separator (a vertical line or dotted line icon) that marks where apps end and documents, folders, and other items begin in the Dock. The separator should also be left in the Dock.

What Happens When You Remove a Dock Icon

One of the important concepts to understand about the Dock is that it doesn't actually hold an app or document. Instead, the Dock contains aliases, represented by an item's icon. Dock icons are simply shortcuts to the actual app or document, which may be located somewhere else within your Mac’s file system. As an example, most apps reside in the /Applications Google trips for mac desktop apps. folder. And there's a good chance that any documents in your Dock are taking up residence somewhere within your home folder.

The point is that adding an item to the Dock doesn't move the associated item from its current location in the Mac’s file system to the Dock; it only creates an alias. Likewise, removing an item from the Dock doesn't delete the original item from its location in your Mac’s file system; it just removes the alias from the Dock. Removing an app or a document from the Dock doesn't cause the item to be deleted from your Mac; it only removes the icon and alias from the Dock.

Methods of Removing Icons From the Dock

No matter which version of OS X you're using, removing a Dock icon is an easy process, though you need to be aware of a subtle difference between OS X versions.

Remove Dock Icon: macOS Mojave

  1. Quit the application, if it's currently open. If you’re removing a document, you don’t need to close the document first, but it's probably a good idea to do so.

  2. Click and drag the item's icon off the Dock towards the Desktop. As soon as the icon is completely outside of the Dock, you will see a Remove menu pop up.

  3. You can then let go of the mouse or trackpad button.

Remove Dock Icon: OS X Lion and Earlier

  1. Free pdf reader for windows 10. Quit the application, if it's currently open. If you’re removing a document, you don’t need to close the document first, but it's probably a good idea to do so.

  2. Click and drag the item's icon off the Dock towards the Desktop. As soon as the icon is completely outside of the Dock, you can let go of the mouse or trackpad button.

  3. The icon will disappear with a puff of smoke.

    Just click the icon now and the app will automatically open on your computer screen i.e. SoundHound for PC is ready to use on Windows or Mac computer. SoundHound for Mac: Hello Friends!! Today we are discussing the SoundHound App for Mac. SoundHound is one of the best music identifying applications. You can identify all the songs by song names or artist names. This is one of the popular applications used by the millions of people. Author: SoundHound Inc. Latest Version: 8.7.0 Publish Date: 2018-05-09. Right-click on SoundHound – Music Discovery & Hands-Free Player APK file and open with BlueStacks APK Installer. Read more: How to install an APK on Bluestacks android emulator. Also, you can open Google play store app and use its search tool to search SoundHound download. In fact, SoundHound has one extra point to itself. Hence, SoundHound is the ultimate Music identifying app! But, Shazam can be a great alternative for SoundHound.* Similar App like SoundHound. Other alternatives for SoundHound can be MusixMatch, which is indeed a great application with features no less than SoundHound or Shazam. https://pranasdiufos.tistory.com/1. SoundHound 3.4.2 - Provides song artist/track information by listening to the tune. Download the latest versions of the best Mac apps at safe and trusted MacUpdate Download, install, or update SoundHound for Mac from MacUpdate.

Remove Dock Icon: OS X Mountain Lion

Apple added a small refinement to dragging a Dock icon in OS X Mountain Lion. It's essentially the same process, but Apple introduced a small delay to put an end to Mac users accidentally removing Dock icons.

  1. If an application is running, it’s a good idea to quit the app before proceeding.

  2. https://pranasdiufos.tistory.com/2. Position your cursor over the icon of the Dock item you wish to remove.

  3. Click and drag the icon onto the Desktop.

  4. Wait until you see a small puff of smoke appear within the icon of the item you have dragged off the Dock.

  5. Once you see the smoke within the icon, you can release the mouse or trackpad button.

  6. The Dock item will be gone.

That slight delay, waiting for the puff of smoke, is effective in preventing accidental removal of a Dock icon, which can happen if you accidentally hold down the mouse button as you move the cursor over the Dock. Or, as has happened to us once or twice, accidentally releasing the mouse button while dragging an icon to change its location in the Dock.

An Alternate Way to Remove a Dock Item

You don’t have to click and drag to get rid of a Dock icon; you can simply use the Dock menu to remove an item from the Dock.

  1. Place the cursor over the icon of the Dock item you wish to remove, and then either right-click or control-click the icon. A pop-up menu will appear.

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  2. Select the Options > Remove from Dock item from the pop-up Dock menu.

That about covers the ways to remove an item from your Mac’s Dock. Ffmpeg download spotify. Remember, you can customize your Dock in many ways; the only thing that matters is how well the Dock works for you.

App Icon

Every app needs a beautiful and memorable icon that attracts attention in the App Store and stands out on the Home screen. Your icon is the first opportunity to communicate, at a glance, your app’s purpose. It also appears throughout the system, such as in Settings and search results.

Embrace simplicity. Find a single element that captures the essence of your app and express that element in a simple, unique shape. Add details cautiously. If an icon’s content or shape is overly complex, the details can be hard to discern, especially at smaller sizes.

Provide a single focus point. Design an icon with a single, centered point that immediately captures attention and clearly identifies your app.


Design a recognizable icon. People shouldn’t have to analyze the icon to figure out what it represents. For example, the Mail app icon uses an envelope, which is universally associated with mail. Take time to design a beautiful and engaging abstract icon that artistically represents your app’s purpose.

Keep the background simple and avoid transparency. Make sure your icon is opaque, and don’t clutter the background. Give it a simple background so it doesn’t overpower other app icons nearby. You don’t need to fill the entire icon with content.

Use words only when they’re essential or part of a logo. An app’s name appears below its icon on the Home screen. Don’t include nonessential words that repeat the name or tell people what to do with your app, like 'Watch' or 'Play.' If your design includes any text, emphasize words that relate to the actual content your app offers.

Don’t include photos, screenshots, or interface elements. Photographic details can be very hard to see at small sizes. Screenshots are too complex for an app icon and don’t generally help communicate your app’s purpose. Interface elements in an icon are misleading and confusing.

Don’t use replicas of Apple hardware products. Apple products are copyrighted and can’t be reproduced in your icons or images. In general, avoid displaying replicas of devices, because hardware designs tend to change frequently and can make your icon look dated.

Don’t place your app icon throughout the interface. It can be confusing to see an icon used for different purposes throughout an app. Instead, consider incorporating your icon’s color scheme. See Color.

Test your icon against different wallpapers. You can’t predict which wallpaper people will choose for their Home screen, so don’t just test your app against a light or dark color. See how it looks over different photos. Try it on an actual device with a dynamic background that changes perspective as the device moves.

Keep icon corners square. The system applies a mask that rounds icon corners automatically.

App Icon Attributes

All app icons should adhere to the following specifications.

Color spacesRGB or P3 (see Color Management)
LayersFlattened with no transparency
ResolutionVaries. See Image Size and Resolution
ShapeSquare with no rounded corners

App Icon Sizes

Every app must supply small icons for use on the Home screen and throughout the system once your app is installed, as well as a larger icon for display in the App Store.

Device or contextIcon size
iPhone180px × 180px (60pt × 60pt @3x)
120px × 120px (60pt × 60pt @2x)
iPad Pro167px × 167px (83.5pt × 83.5pt @2x)
iPad, iPad mini152px × 152px (76pt × 76pt @2x)
App Store1024px × 1024px (1024pt × 1024pt @1x)

Provide different sized icons for different devices. Make sure that your app icon looks great on all the devices you support.

Mimic your small icon with your App Store icon. Although the App Store icon is used differently than the small one, it’s still your app icon. It should generally match the smaller version in appearance, although it can be subtly richer and more detailed since there are no visual effects applied to it.

Spotlight, Settings, and Notification Icons

Every app should also provide a small icon that iOS can display when the app name matches a term in a Spotlight search. Additionally, apps with settings should provide a small icon to display in the built-in Settings app, and apps that support notifications should provide a small icon to display in notifications. All icons should clearly identify your app—ideally, they should match your app icon. If you don’t provide these icons, iOS might shrink your main app icon for display in these locations.

DeviceSpotlight icon size
iPhone120px × 120px (40pt × 40pt @3x)
80px × 80px (40pt × 40pt @2x)
iPad Pro, iPad, iPad mini80px × 80px (40pt × 40pt @2x)
DeviceSettings icon size
iPhone87px × 87px (29pt × 29pt @3x)
58px × 58px (29pt × 29pt @2x)
iPad Pro, iPad, iPad mini58px × 58px (29pt × 29pt @2x)
DeviceNotification icon size
iPhone60px × 60px (20pt × 20pt @3x)
40px × 40px (20pt × 20pt @2x)
iPad Pro, iPad, iPad mini40px × 40px (20pt × 20pt @2x)

Don’t add an overlay or border to your Settings icon. iOS automatically adds a 1-pixel stroke to all icons so that they look good on the white background of Settings.

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TIP If your app creates custom documents, you don't need to design document icons because iOS uses your app icon to create document icons automatically.

Apple App Store Icon

User-Selectable App Icons

For some apps, customization is a feature that evokes a personal connection and enhances the user experience. If it provides value in your app, you can let people select an alternate app icon from a set of predefined icons that are embedded within your app. For example, a sports app might offer icons for different teams or an app with light and dark modes might offer corresponding light and dark icons. Note that your app icon can only be changed at the user’s request and the system always provides the user with confirmation of such a change.

Download Icons For Mac

Provide visually consistent alternate icons in all necessary sizes. Like your primary app icon, each alternate app icon is delivered as a collection of related images that vary in size. When the user chooses an alternate icon, the appropriate sizes of that icon replace your primary app icon on the Home screen, in Spotlight, and elsewhere in the system. To ensure that alternate icons appear consistently throughout the system—the user shouldn't see one version of your icon on the Home screen and a completely different version in Settings, for example—provide them in the same sizes you provide for your primary app icon (with the exception of the App Store icon). See App Icon Sizes.

For developer guidance, see the setAlternateIconName method of UIApplication.

NOTE Alternate app icons are subject to review by App Review and must adhere to the App Store Review Guidelines.